
Welcome to FreeBarcode

FreeBarcode enables you to compute your bar codes, free of charge and without quantity limitation.


FreeBarcode is very simple to handle, you only have to enter the requested bar code number and the type which you want it in (in the case you\'re not sure, there is an automatic selection, which will perform this task for you). You then choose the compression format you would like to get.
Press "Compute" to, well, start the computation. Finally, click on the link to get your file and decompress it. You will have a EPS file containing your bar code.

You can thank the creators of this site by donating, using the PayPal link just below.
Compute a bar code Compute a list
Please enter your bar code :
Attention : Despite the reliability of the system, FreeBarcode does not guarantee the results of the computations.



This site has been created by team.


Translations : ludo ( en ), fanny ( it ).

This site has been tested and works perfectly with the following web browsers :

Safari, Firefox, Camino ( 0.7+ ), Netscape ( 7.1+ ), Opera ( 7.5+ )


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